Caroline Kennedy: Godkänn inte ”rovdjuret” RFK
Caroline Kennedy uppmanar den amerikanska senaten att inte godkänna hennes kusin Robert Kennedy Jr som hälsominister i USA, rapporterar flera medier. I ett brev som Washington Post tagit del av kallar hon ”RFK” för ”ett rovdjur” som är besatt av uppmärksamhet och makt.
Caroline Kennedy anklagar honom för att ha vaccinerat sina egna barn samtidigt som han varit en högljudd vaccinmotståndare.
Under onsdagen och torsdagen samlas senaten för att fråga ut Robert Kennedy Jr som nominerades till posten av president Donald Trump redan innan valet. Om alla demokrater och tre republikaner skulle rösta nej till Kennedy blir han inte godkänd, enligt Axios.
Caroline Kennedy
Wikipedia (en)
Caroline Bouvier Kennedy (born November 27, 1957) is an American author, diplomat and attorney who served as the United States ambassador to Australia from 2022 to 2024. Kennedy previously served in the Obama administration as the United States ambassador to Japan from 2013 to 2017. Most of Kennedy's professional life has been in literature, law, politics, education reform, and charity. She is a member of the Kennedy family and the only surviving child of US president John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.
Born in New York City, Kennedy was two years old when her father won the 1960 presidential election and spent her early childhood years in the White House during his presidency. She was five years old when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963. The following year, she and her younger brother John F. Kennedy Jr. moved with their mother Jacqueline to the Upper East Side of Manhattan where Kennedy continued her education. Kennedy graduated from Radcliffe College, and later attended Columbia Law School where she earned a Juris Doctor degree in 1988. She passed the New York State bar exam the following year. Kennedy worked at Manhattan's Metropolitan Museum of Art, where she met her future husband, designer Edwin Schlossberg. They have three children: Rose, Tatiana, and Jack.
Early in the primary race for the 2008 presidential election, Kennedy and her uncle, Ted Kennedy, endorsed Democratic candidate Barack Obama. She later stumped for him in Florida, Indiana, and Ohio, served as co-chair of his Vice Presidential Search Committee, and addressed the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. After Obama selected United States senator Hillary Clinton to serve as secretary of state, Kennedy expressed interest in being appointed to Clinton's vacant Senate seat from New York, but later withdrew citing personal reasons. In 2013, President Obama appointed Kennedy as the United States ambassador to Japan making her the first female ambassador to serve in the country. Eight years later, Joe Biden appointed Kennedy as United States ambassador to Australia and she took office following her confirmation on June 10, 2022.
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