Donald Trump och Benjamin Netanyahu. (Sebastian Scheiner / TT NYHETSBYRÅN/ NTB Scanpix)

”EU, följ inte Donald Trumps farliga Mellanösternpolitik”

EU-ledare, stå fast vid tidigare europeiska principer i Mellanösternpolitiken, uppmanar tidigare regeringschefer och utrikesministrar i ett upprop på SvD Debatt. De 38 undertecknarna, bland dem tidigare utrikesministrarna Carl Bildt (M) och Lena Hjelm-Wallén (S), varnar för att USA:s Israel- och Palestinapolitik riskerar att få allvarliga följder – då landet inte arbetar för en tvåstatslösning.

Även om det är att föredra att Europa jobbar tillsammans med USA för en lösning på konflikten så måste Europa följa sin egen handlingsstrategi, skriver de.

”Israel och de ockuperade palestinska områdena går i praktiken mot en enstatslösning med ojämlika rättigheter. Detta kan inte fortsätta – varken för israelerna, för palestinierna eller för oss i Europa.”

Wikipedia (en)
The Israeli–Palestinian conflict (Hebrew: הסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני‎, translit. Ha'Sikhsukh Ha'Yisraeli-Falestini; Arabic: النزاع-الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي‎, translit. al-Niza'a al-Filastini-al-Israili) is the ongoing struggle between Israelis and Palestinians that began in the mid-20th century. The origins to the conflict can be traced back to Jewish immigration and sectarian conflict in Mandatory Palestine between Jews and Arabs. It has been referred to as the world's "most intractable conflict", with the ongoing Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip reaching 52 years.Despite a long-term peace process and the general reconciliation of Israel with Egypt and Jordan, Israelis and Palestinians have failed to reach a final peace agreement. The key issues are: mutual recognition, borders, security, water rights, control of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, Palestinian freedom of movement, and Palestinian right of return. The violence of the conflict, in a region rich in sites of historic, cultural and religious interest worldwide, has been the object of numerous international conferences dealing with historic rights, security issues and human rights, and has been a factor hampering tourism in and general access to areas that are hotly contested.Many attempts have been made to broker a two-state solution, involving the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel (after Israel's establishment in 1948). In 2007, the majority of both Israelis and Palestinians, according to a number of polls, preferred the two-state solution over any other solution as a means of resolving the conflict. Moreover, a majority of Jews see the Palestinians' demand for an independent state as just, and thinks Israel can agree to the establishment of such a state. The majority of Palestinians and Israelis in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have expressed a preference for a two-state solution. Mutual distrust and significant disagreements are deep over basic issues, as is the reciprocal scepticism about the other side's commitment to upholding obligations in an eventual agreement.Within Israeli and Palestinian society, the conflict generates a wide variety of views and opinions. This highlights the deep divisions which exist not only between Israelis and Palestinians, but also within each society. A hallmark of the conflict has been the level of violence witnessed for virtually its entire duration. Fighting has been conducted by regular armies, paramilitary groups, terror cells, and individuals. Casualties have not been restricted to the military, with a large number of fatalities in civilian population on both sides. There are prominent international actors involved in the conflict. The two parties engaged in direct negotiation are the Israeli government, currently led by Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), currently headed by Mahmoud Abbas. The official negotiations are mediated by an international contingent known as the Quartet on the Middle East (the Quartet) represented by a special envoy, that consists of the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations. The Arab League is another important actor, which has proposed an alternative peace plan. Egypt, a founding member of the Arab League, has historically been a key participant. Jordan, having relinquished its claim to the West Bank in 1988 and holding a special role in the Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem, has also been a key participant. Since 2006, the Palestinian side has been fractured by conflict between the two major factions: Fatah, the traditionally dominant party, and its later electoral challenger, Hamas. After Hamas's electoral victory in 2006, the Quartet conditioned future foreign assistance to the Palestinian National Authority (PA) on the future government's commitment to non-violence, recognition of the State of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements. Hamas rejected these demands, which resulted in the Quartet's suspension of its foreign assistance program, and the imposition of economic sanctions by the Israelis. A year later, following Hamas's seizure of power in the Gaza Strip in June 2007, the territory officially recognized as the PA was split between Fatah in the West Bank, and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The division of governance between the parties had effectively resulted in the collapse of bipartisan governance of the PA. However, in 2014, a Palestinian Unity Government, composed of both Fatah and Hamas, was formed. The latest round of peace negotiations began in July 2013 and was suspended in 2014.

Mer om debattörerna

Douglas Alexander, tidigare Europaminister, Storbritannien
Jean Marc Ayrault, tidigare utrikesminister och premiärminister, Frankrike
Carl Bildt, tidigare utrikesminister och statsminister, Sverige
Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, tidigare utrikesminister och premiärminister, Polen
Willy Claes, tidigare utrikesminister och generalsekreterare för Nato, Belgien
Massimo d’Alema, tidigare utrikesminister och premiärminister, Italien
Karel De Gucht, tidigare utrikesminister och EU-kommissionär, Belgien
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, tidigare utrikesminister och ordförande för de europeiska liberalerna, Danmark
Benita Ferrero-Waldner, tidigare utrikesminister och EU-kommissionär med ansvar för yttre förbindelser, Österrike
Franco Frattini, tidigare utrikesminister och EU-kommissionär, Italien
Sigmar Gabriel, tidigare utrikesminister och vice förbundskansler, Tyskland
Lena Hjelm-Wallén, tidigare utrikesminister och vice statsminister, Sverige
Eduard Kukan, tidigare utrikesminister, Slovakien
Martin Lidegaard, tidigare utrikesminister, Danmark
Mogens Lykketoft, tidigare utrikesminister och ordförande för FN:s generalförsamling, Danmark
Louis Michel, tidigare utrikesminister och EU-kommissionär, Belgien
David Miliband, tidigare utrikesminister, Storbritannien
Holger K. Nielsen, tidigare utrikesminister, Danmark
Marc Otte, tidigare EU:s särskilda representant för fredsprocessen i Mellanöstern, Belgien
Ana Palacio, tidigare utrikesminister, Spanien
Jacques Poos, tidigare utrikesminister, Luxembourg
Vesna Pusić, tidigare utrikesminister och vice premiärminister, Kroatien
Mary Robinson, tidigare president och FN:s högkommissarie för mänskliga rättigheter, Irland
Robert Serry, tidigare FN:s särskilda samordnare för fredsprocessen i Mellanöstern, Nederländerna
Javier Solana, tidigare utrikesminister, generalsekreterare för Nato och EU:s höge representant för den gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiken, Spanien
Per Stig Møller, tidigare utrikesminister, Danmark
Michael Spindelegger, tidigare utrikesminister och vice-kansler, Österrike
Jack Straw, tidigare utrikesminister, Storbritannien
Desmond Swayne, tidigare minister för internationell utveckling, Storbritannien
Erkki Tuomioja, tidigare utrikesminister, Finland
Ivo Vajgl, tidigare utrikesminister, Slovenien
Frank Vandenbroucke, tidigare utrikesminister, Belgien
Jozias van Aartsen, tidigare utrikesminister, Nederländerna
Hubert Vedrine, tidigare utrikesminister, Frankrike
Guy Verhofstadt, tidigare premiärminister, Belgien
Lubomír Zaorálek, idigare utrikesminister, Tjeckien
Dacian Cioloș, tidigare premiärminister och EU-kommissionär, Rumänien
Jacques Poos, tidigare utrikeminister, Luxembourg

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