Fullmåne över Henriksdals reningsverk i Stockholm. (Hasse Holmberg / TT / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Europa ska utforska månen ”ordentligt” senast år 2024

Den här veckan kommer den europeiska rymdmyndigheten Esa att avslöja nya detaljer om sina planer att utforska månen, skriver The Guardian.

Målet med programmet, som går under namnet ”Gateway”, är att återvända till månen senast 2024. Enligt David Parker, en av cheferna på Esa, är det en tuff men möjlig tidsram.

Förhoppningen är att månen ska granskas lika noggrant som när Antarktis undersöktes under mitten av 1900-talet.

– Månen är som en åttonde kontinent. (...) Nu ska vi utforska den ordentligt, säger Parker.

Förutom Esa så deltar även den amerikanska rymdmyndigheten Nasa samt motsvarigheterna i Japan och Kanada i projektet.

International Astronautical Congress
Wikipedia (en)
Every year, the International Astronautical Federation with the support of the International Academy of Astronautics and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), holds the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) which is hosted by one of the national society members of the IAF. They are an annual meeting of the actors in the discipline of space, and are generally held in late September or early October. They consist of plenary sessions, lectures and meetings. The IAC is attended by the agency heads and senior executives of the world's space agencies. As the Second World War came to an end, the United States and the Soviet Union held different and competing political worldviews. As the Cold War began to take shape, communication between the two countries became less frequent. Both countries turned their focus to achieving military superiority over the other. The International Astronautical Federation was formed six years after the Iron curtain fell by scientists from all over Europe in the field of space research in order to collaborate once more. During the years of the Space Race, the IAF was one of the few forums where members of both East and West Europe could meet during the annual International Astronautical Congresses.
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