Konstnärs tolkning av en titanosauros som nyfödd i jämförelse med andra djurungar

Fossil av dinosauriebebis avslöjar ensam uppväxt

Ett fossil från en titanosauros visar att de stora dinosaurierna troligen levde ensamma kort efter födseln, skriver Washington Post och hänvisar till en ny studie publicerad i Science.
Fossilet som är 70 miljoner år gammalt visar att den nyfödda dinosaurien vägde mindre än en genomsnittlig katt gör i dag, men ändå hade samma proportioner som ett vuxet djur. Enligt forskaren Kristina Curry Rogers vid Macalester College i Minnesota tyder det på att ungarna kunde klara sig själva tidigt.

Wikipedia (en)
Titanosaurs (members of the group Titanosauria) were a diverse group of sauropod dinosaurs, which included Saltasaurus and Isisaurus. When the extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous period occurred, they were the last surviving group of long necked dinosaurs. It includes some of the heaviest creatures ever to walk the earth, such as Argentinosaurus and Puertasaurus, which are estimated to have weighed up to 90 tonnes (89 long tons; 99 short tons). The group's name refers to the much earlier discovery Titanosaurus, a now dubious genus named for the mythological Titans of Ancient Greece. Together with the brachiosaurids and relatives, titanosaurs make up the larger clade Titanosauriformes.
Djur vars ungar liknar de vuxna
Wikipedia (en)
In biology, the term precocial refers to species in which the young are relatively mature and mobile from the moment of birth or hatching. The opposite developmental strategy is called "altricial" where the young are born or hatched helpless. Extremely precocial species may be called "superprecocial". These three categories form a continuum, without distinct gaps between them. Precocial species are normally nidifugous, meaning that they leave the nest shortly after birth or hatching. The span between precocial and altricial species is particularly broad in birds. Precocial birds are born with their eyes open. They are covered with downy feathers that soon grow to adult feathers after hatching. Birds of this kind can also swim and run much sooner after their birth than other birds, such as songbirds. Very precocial birds can be ready to leave the nest in a short period of time following hatching (e.g. 24 hours). Many precocial chicks are not independent in thermoregulation (the ability to regulate their own body temperatures), and they depend on the attending parent(s) to brood them with body heat for a short period of time. Precocial birds find their own food, sometimes with help or instruction from the parents. Examples of precocial birds include the domestic chicken, many species of ducks and geese, waders, rails and the hoatzin. The most extreme, superprecocial birds are certain species of the megapodes, where the newly hatched chicks dig themselves out of the nest mound without parental assistance, and are capable of flight on the same day they hatch. Precociality is found in many other animal groups. Familiar examples of precocial mammals are most ungulates, the guinea pig, and most species of hare. This last example demonstrates that precociality is not a particularly conservative characteristic, in the evolutionary sense, since the closely related rabbit is highly altricial. Precocial species typically have a longer gestation or incubation period than related altricial species, and smaller litters or clutches, since each offspring has to be brought to a relatively advanced (and large) state before birth or hatching. The phenomenon of imprinting studied by Konrad Lorenz is characteristic of precocial birds.
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