De upptäckta vrakdelarna/USS Indianapolis (TT)

Historiskt krigsfartyg hittat på Stilla havets botten

Det har saknats i 72 år efter att ha sänkts av en japansk ubåt i slutet av andra världskriget. Nu har krigsfartyget USS Indianapolis hittats, rapporterar CNN.

En privat grupp av forskare, ledd av Microsofts medgrundare Paul Allen, upptäckte kryssarens vrak på Stilla havets botten, på nära 5 500 meters djup. Upptäckten gör att en av de mest tragiska fartygskatastroferna i amerikansk historia kan få ett avslut.

USS Indianapolis sjönk på 12 minuter den 30 juni 1945 och hann inte skicka någon nödsignal. De flesta av de 1 196 ombord följde inte med ned i djupet, men de kommande dagarna drunknade de eller dog av vätskebrist eller hajattacker. Endast 316 överlevde, varav 22 fortfarande är vid liv i dag.

USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
Wikipedia (en)
USS Indianapolis (CL/CA-35) was a Portland-class heavy cruiser of the United States Navy, named for the city of Indianapolis, Indiana. The vessel was the flagship of Admiral Raymond Spruance while he commanded the Fifth Fleet in battles across the Central Pacific in World War II. Her sinking led to the greatest single loss of life at sea in the history of the U.S. Navy. On 30 July 1945, after a high-speed trip to deliver parts for Little Boy, the first atomic bomb used in combat, to the United States air base at Tinian, the ship was torpedoed by the Imperial Japanese Navy submarine I-58. The ship, on her way to the Philippines, sank in 12 minutes. Of 1,196 crewmen aboard, approximately 300 went down with the ship. The remaining 900 faced exposure, dehydration, saltwater poisoning, and shark attacks while floating with few lifeboats and almost no food or water. The Navy learned of the sinking when survivors were spotted four days later by the crew of a PBY Catalina on routine patrol. Only 317 survived. On 19 August 2017 a search team financed by Paul Allen located the wreckage of the sunken cruiser in the Philippine Sea lying at a depth of approximately 18,000 feet (5,500 m).
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