Nasa skickar ut meddelande i rymden
Nasa har avgjort en tävling där allmänheten fick lämna förslag på ett meddelande som ska sändas till rymdsonden Voyager 1, och som bland annat är tänkt att eventuella civilisationer ska hitta i framtiden, skriver TT. Meddelandet som vunnit tävlingen är skrivet av Oliver Jenking och lyder:
”Vi erbjuder vår vänskap över stjärnorna. Ni är inte ensamma”.
William Shatner, som spelade Kapten Kirk i tv-serien Star Trek, läste upp budskapet hos Nasa i Houston innan det skickades till Voyager.
Voyager 1
Wikipedia (en)
Voyager 1 is a space probe launched by NASA on September 5, 1977. Part of the Voyager program to study the outer Solar System, Voyager 1 launched 16 days after its twin, Voyager 2. Having operated for 40 years as of September 5, 2017, the spacecraft still communicates with the Deep Space Network to receive routine commands and return data. At a distance of 139 AU (2.08×1010 km) from the Sun as of July 1, 2017, it is the farthest spacecraft from Earth as well as the farthest man-made object. It is also the most distant object in the solar system whose location is known, even farther than Eris (96 AU) and V774104 (~103 AU).
The probe's objectives included flybys of Jupiter, Saturn and Saturn's large moon, Titan. While the spacecraft's course could have been altered to include a Pluto encounter by forgoing the Titan flyby, exploration of the moon, which was known to have a substantial atmosphere, took priority. It studied the weather, magnetic fields and rings of the two planets and was the first probe to provide detailed images of their moons.
After completing its primary mission with the flyby of Saturn on November 20, 1980, Voyager 1 became the third of five artificial objects to achieve the escape velocity that will allow them to leave the Solar System. It is pursuing an extended mission to explore the regions and boundaries of the outer heliosphere. On August 25, 2012, Voyager 1 crossed the heliopause to become the first spacecraft to enter interstellar space and study the interstellar medium.
Voyager 1's extended mission is expected to continue until around 2025, when its radioisotope thermoelectric generators will no longer supply enough electric power to operate its scientific instruments.
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