Tullarna gav motsatt effekt för amerikanska ståljättar
Donald Trumps tullar skulle lyfta den amerikanska stålindustrin – men för flera bolag har det fått rakt motsatt effekt, skriver Bloomberg.
US Steel tvingades för tre veckor sedan vinstvarna och stänga två smältugnar. Sedan Trump aviserade tullarna för 16 månader sedan har ståljätten tappat nära 70 procent av sitt marknadsvärde, motsvarande cirka 52 miljarder kronor.
Stålproducenten Nucor har under samma period tappat 20 procent av börsvärdet.
Och trots att utländska konkurrenter är ute ur ekvationen kämpar gamla stålklenoder som US Steel mot nya tuffare bolag och en vikande efterfrågan.
Enligt Bank of Americas analytiker Timna Tanners är det ”ironiskt” att ståltullarna nu slår ut en del stålbolag i USA, skriver nyhetsbyrån.
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Trumps tullar
Wikipedia (en)
The Trump tariffs are a series of tariffs imposed during the presidency of Donald Trump. In January 2018, Trump imposed tariffs on solar panels and washing machines, and in March 2018, he imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum.
Among elected officials, reactions often varied among regional lines rather than ideological lines. The tariffs have seen widespread criticism from conservatives and Republicans. Reception was mixed among Democratic officials, with Democrats from Rust Belt states voicing support for tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.
Morgan Stanley estimated that Trump's tariffs on steel, aluminum, washing machines, and solar panels, as of March 2018, covered 4.1 percent of U.S. imports. The tariffs measures were poorly received by the vast majority of economists; almost 80% of 104 economists surveyed by Reuters believed that imports on tariffs on steel and aluminum imports would be a net harm to the U.S. economy, with the rest believing that the tariffs would have little or no effect; none of the economists surveyed believed that the tariffs would benefit the U.S. economy.
Forty-five U.S. trade associations are urging Trump not to impose tariffs on China, warning it would be "particularly harmful" to the U.S. economy and consumers.
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