Uppgifter: Trump säger nej till ”mörkrets prins”
Donald Trump och hans administration lär säga nej till att Peter Mandelson blir brittisk ambassadör i USA, enligt The Independent som pratat med källor i utrikesdepartementet. Ett beslut i frågan lär fattas inom kort.
Peter Mandelson, tidigare biträdande premiärminister, nominerades av Keir Starmer i december men sedan tidigare står det klart att Trumps administration inte är speciellt förtjusta.
Mandelson har beskrivits som en politiker som är artig och lugn utåt men hänsynslös bakom kulisserna. Ibland kallas han för ”mörkrets prins”.
Att han strävat efter mer handel med Kina och umgåtts med den dömde amerikanske pedofilen Jeffrey Epstein har pekats ut som två anledningar till att Trump är skeptisk.
Peter Mandelson
Wikipedia (en)
Peter Benjamin Mandelson, Baron Mandelson, (born 21 October 1953), is a British Labour Party politician. He served as First Secretary of State from 2009 to 2010, and was President of the Board of Trade in 1998 and from 2008 to 2010. As the United Kingdom's member of the European Commission, Mandelson was European Commissioner for Trade from 2004 and 2008. Mandelson served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Hartlepool from 1992 to 2004, before being appointed to the House of Lords as a life peer in 2008.
From 1985 to 1990, Mandelson served as Labour's director of communications, becoming one of the first to whom the term "spin doctor" was applied and gained the nickname "Prince of Darkness" because of his "ruthlessness" and "media savvy". Often referred to as a Blairite, he was one of several key people responsible for the rebranding of the Labour Party as New Labour before its victory at the 1997 general election.
Mandelson held a number of Cabinet positions under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. He was twice forced to resign from the Cabinet before leaving Parliament to take up an appointment as a European commissioner, later rejoining the Cabinet a third time as a life peer. Mandelson is the only first secretary of state to sit in the House of Lords. Mandelson has been described as having a "significant influence" on the office of current Labour Party leader and prime minister Keir Starmer as a "core part" of his network.
Mandelson is the president of the international think tank Policy Network and chairman of strategic advisory firm Global Counsel.
Starmer nominated Mandelson to be the ambassador of the United Kingdom to the United States in December 2024. He is set to assume the role in 2025.
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