Skärmdump från Uppdrag Gransknings teaser (TT/SVT)

Svenska näringslivstoppar i ”historisk” dokumentläcka

En ännu större läcka än Panamadokumenten ligger till grund för nya avslöjanden om det svenska näringslivet från bland annat SVT och TT. De nya uppgifterna publiceras i morgon.

Den journalistiska samarbetsorganisationen International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) väntas offentliggöra en stor mängd läckta dokument från advokatbyrån Applebys kontor i sex skatteparadis.

Dokumenten medierna tagit del av leder inte bara till svenska näringslivstoppar, uppger SVT:s Uppdrag Granskning i en teaser döpt till ”En ny historisk läcka” inför en extrasändning i morgon. Även politiker på internationell toppnivå omfattas av granskningen.

I SVT:s klipp syns kartor över skatteparadiset Bermuda och dokument från landet. Förra året utsattes Appleby, som arbetar med brevlådeföretag, för ett dataintrång. I slutet av oktober bekräftades det i ett uttalande som advokatbyrån gjort med anledning av förfrågningar från ICIJ.

Appleby Spurling Hunter
Wikipedia (en)
Appleby (previously named Appleby Spurling Hunter) is an offshore legal service provider. It has offices in the key offshore locations of Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, Mauritius and Seychelles as well as the financial centres of Hong Kong, and Shanghai.
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Wikipedia (en)
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) is an independent Washington D.C.-based international network. Launched in 1997 by the Center for Public Integrity, ICIJ was spun off in February 2017 into a fully independent organisation which includes more than 200 investigative journalists in over 70 countries who work together on "issues such as "cross-border crime, corruption, and the accountability of power." The ICIJ has exposed smuggling and tax evasion by multinational tobacco companies (2000), "by organized crime syndicates; investigated private military cartels, asbestos companies, and climate change lobbyists; and broke new ground by publicizing details of Iraq and Afghanistan war contracts." For the Panama Papers more than 80 journalists worked on the data, culminating in a partial release on 3 April 2016, garnering global media attention. The set of 11.5 million confidential financial and legal document from the Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca included detailed information on more than 14,000 clients and more than 214,000 offshore entities, including the identities of shareholders and directors including noted personalities and heads of state—government officials, close relatives and close associates of various heads of government of more than 40 other countries. The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung first received the released data from an anonymous source in 2015. After working on the Mossack Fonseca documents for a year, Gerard Ryle—director of ICIJ—described how Mossack Fonseca had "helped companies and individuals with tax havens, including those that have been sanctioned by the U.S. and UK for dealing with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad."
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